Sweet Potato

Split with Chicken & Avocado


45-55 MINS


  • 1kg packet sweet potato, unpeeled
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 2 tbs fajita seasoning
  • 500g chicken breast fillet, trimmed
  • 2 ripe avocadoes
  • 1 bunch chives, chopped
  • 1 bunch flat leaf parsley, chopped
  • 1 bunch coriander, chopped
  • 1 long red chilli, finely chopped
  • cup Praise Real Whole Egg Mayonnaise
  • Lime wedges, to serve
  1. Preheat oven 200C fan forced. Scrub the sweet potatoes under water with a clean brush. Pat dry. Pierce them all over, at least 8 times with a fork. Rub the skins all over with a little of the olive oil. Season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  2. Put into a roasting pan. Roast 40-55 minutes or until they are tender all the way through to the centre.
  3. Meanwhile, sprinkle the seasoning over both sides of the chicken . Heat a frying pan over medium heat. Add remaining oil and chicken. Cook 5-6 minutes each side or until cooked through. Set pan aside for 10 minutes then shred the chicken. Tossing the shredded chicken in the warm pan juices.
  4. Smash the avocadoes, stir in 1 tablespoon each of chives, parsley and coriander. Season. Stir the chilli through the mayonnaise.
  5. Split the sweet potatoes down the centre with a sharp knife and ease open. Spoon in chicken and avocado. Drizzle with mayonnaise and serve with remaining herbs and lime.
