All Hail Kale - the Queen of Greens

All Hail Kale – the Queen of Greens


Here at Hydro Produce we certainly do Hail our Kale. Perhaps it’s because we are so close to her Queenly goodness, we grow and nurture her, and we understand the nutritional magic and flavours those beautifully curled green leaves hold.

But lately, we feel our beloved Kale has fallen from grace – a victim of tall poppy syndrome. A vegetable that started off with such great promise (and for a good reason) now finds itself with a line up of sceptics and critics – once the Queen of Greens now reduced to a green cliché.

“There are two types of people; those that eat kale and those who should.” – Bo Muller-Moore

OK, maybe we are a little protective of our Queen? We’ll admit – it hurts seeing articles talking down her many attributes and making comparisons to other greens of the world. Then throw in the negative press,  a few hundred funny memes and some quotes about “Kale eating hipsters with beards” and we all start to think twice about her virtues… but only for a second!

Whether you’re a Paleo believer or a detox sceptic, the science is in – Kale is a lean green nutritional powerhouse. Kale is among the most nutrient-dense foods in existence.

With minimal calories – it’s proven health benefits haven’t changed since this vegetable hero went totally mainstream.

Kale leaves hold;

  • omega 3’s
  • calcium
  • fibre
  • iron
  • antioxidants and
  • a are a source of vitamin C, A & K – it doesn’t have to do much to be a superfood.

Never tried Kale but wanted to?

So what can you do with this superfood? Ignore the jokes and what you have read and just jump in and try it. Feel good about yourself and enjoy it raw and crunchy in salads with quinoa, added to green smoothies and super detox juices. Mix into a hearty Tuscan soup or baked with a drizzle of oil, sea salt or dukkah for a healthy snack.

Add to Asian beef or tofu stir fries with a drizzle of soy, sesame oil and chilli. Add sesame seeds and oil and bake into crunchy kale chips. We all know Kale is a Paleo and vegan favourite, but it is also superb with eggs and meat.

Just ask the Dutch. Mix through creamy mashed potato and serve Kale Dutch style with bacon and smoked sausages. Or like the Italian’s who pan fry it with olive oil and garlic or add it to pasta and risotto. Maybe try it like the Spanish who cook it with tomato and chorizo and serve it with a poached egg.

CHOP – raw into salads, sprinkle over a homemade pizza or bake in the oven for a healthy snack.

JUICE – with your favourite fruits and vegetables for a refreshing juice or smoothie.

COOK – stir-fried or sautéed. Serve with eggs on toast or simply slice and toss through pasta and risottos.




Our favourite kale recipes right now

Our last words …

Love Kale, and it will love right you back. Let’s all hail our Kale – Queen K.

What other vegetables do you want to try but just don’t know what to do with them?

Let us know

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